I am an associate professor at the Costa Rican Institute of Technology or TEC (Tecnológico de Costa Rica), working in the Electronics Engineering department.

Previously, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Eindhoven University of Technology(The Netherlands) where I was involved in the ALARM Project from e\MTIC. This project was a collaboration with the Maxima Medical Center and Philips research. I also worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Socially Perceptive Computing Lab in TU Delft (The Netherlands), where I am currently a guest researcher.


My research focuses on the use of machine learning and non-invasive technologies, such as wearable and embedded devices, video cameras or physiological sensors; to understand human social behavior, monitor health, and overall improve people’s quality of life. I love to work in the interdisciplinary world that fuses hardware with software, and is motivated by social or natural sciences (e.g. medicine or psychology).


I received my PhD (2018) in Computer Science from the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) with the thesis entitled Automatic analysis of human social behavior in-the-wild using multimodal streams (can be found here). Before that I received a Master in Science in Electronics Engineering with emphasis in Embedded Systems (2014) and a Licenciatura in Electronics Engineering (2012), both from the TEC (Costa Rica).

Full resume

Download resume (might be a bit outdated).